Monday, January 31, 2011

Dining In: 40 Clove Garlic Chicken

Whole Chicken cut into 8 pieces (you can buy pre-cut and packaged)
Seasoned salt
1 & 1/2 Tablespoons dried thyme
2-3 bulbs of peeled garlic cloves (depending on how big and how tired you get) Feel free to actually count out 40 cloves if you want to get anal about it.
Olive oil

Pre-heat oven to 350 degrees.  Season chicken generously with seasoned salt and pepper.  Sear chicken on both sides on high heat on the stove top in an oven safe skillet with olive oil until golden brown.

Take skillet off heat.  Add an additional 1/3 cup olive oil, garlic cloves to skillet and sprinkle thyme over the chicken.  Cover the chicken with foil and slit a hole for it to vent. Then allow to bake in the oven until chicken reaches an internal temp of 165-170, about an hour. 
The olive oil combined with the drippings makes a great au jus. 

Goes great with garlic sautéed spinach, garlic mashed potatoes and dinner rolls for a special stinky night.

Just so you know, for the most part, when it comes to meat and an oven, I don’t really rely on timers anymore.  Get a meat thermometer, it’ll be your best friend if you don’t have one already. Timers can’t really tell you when meat is done or over cooked. Thermometers can


Lightly smash garlic cloves with the flat end of a knife, it makes peeling easier.

Take some of the roasted garlic and au jus and blend it into your mashed potatoes.

Remember to come up for air while eating.

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