Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Blowfish Sushi, San Jose CA 7.25.10


So we stumbled upon this place by accident, cause we needed a place for lunch, and I’m glad we did.  The sushi roll you see is a baked salmon which is avocado rolled in rice with slices of salmon on top, then topped with cheese and cream sauce.  It reminds me of a salmon and cream cheese roll but way better because having it baked adds a smoky, mildly charred taste that makes it unique. 

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Then I had a bento box with tatsuta chicken, which is chicken marinated in soy sauce and ginger that is lightly breaded and deep fried, and seared albacore.  The chicken was so addicting and the albacore was probably the freshest albacore I had ever tasted to date, and I’ve eaten a lot of albacore because that is usually my go to sushi.  The sides were rice, salad and smashed potato, which I thought was weird because there were no Asian flavors in the potato what so ever, but was still good.  I managed to get a taste of my other half’s grilled salmon in his bento box, but unfortunately it had no flavor and was very bland, and considering I had nothing but good things to say for everything else. 

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However, I was pleasantly surprised with the desserts considering most sushi places and Asian places in general do not have much as far as desserts.  You can even tell that this place has a dedicated pastry chef because of how mindful they were the desserts were plated and the fact that the desserts have swirls of sugar that looks like take skill to make, instead of some guy who slaps ice cream on top of something sweet.  The first dessert I tried was the Treasure Twenty which is a banana flambé crepe with lycee ice cream and berries, which was absolutely fantastic.  I had never had anything that was flambéed but I will have to make sure I do more often.  I do not know what liquor was used but man that was so good and really adds that something special. But the one that I actually ordered was the Chocolate Quartet consisting of a chocolate pao cake, similar to a sponge cake, a white and dark chocolate mousse and white chocolate ice cream.  It lastly came with an almond cookie, which if they sold in a store, would be the end of me.  As far as all the chocolate stuff, I have no negative comments and really I have no words to describe because those desserts were devoured like as if they were being attacked by piranhas.

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