Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Garlic Festival: The Good


I would say that this post is more so a feast for the eyes since everything eaten in this category is simple and doesn’t need much explanation.  But simple foods go a long way.




Garlic fries, definitely a staple at the garlic festival.  Fortunately when you don’t have any festivals or areas to go to in the area, you just go the Trader Joe’s frozen isle for the same garlic fries at fair quality.



Garlic ice cream and it’s free :) I believe the base flavor is vanilla and then flavored in garlic.  The garlic comes through as an aftertaste.  To those that have never tried it, it’s a concept that is difficult to imagine but trust me it works.  The portion is very small, like a little cone with a shot of ice cream, but its great for a perfect amount of sweet to offset all the savory. 


When you need a five minute break from the garlic completely, chocolate covered strawberries and cream puffs.  Now granted you can definitely make this at home with a simple chocolate sauce, but we’re six hours from home, I’ll take it!

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